Dental implants are one of the more common types of dental treatments today. They are also very popular in Hollywood because it seems as though every actor and actress out there have had some sort of dental implant procedure done in their life. This can be very difficult for a person to imagine that their teeth will ever be missing, but if you have lost your teeth due to disease, accident, tooth decay or worn out teeth, you can get them replaced by a dental implant. A dental implant is an artificial part that interfaces directly with the patient's bone or jaw to serve as an anchor for a dental prosthetic such as a denture, bridge, crown, root canal or orthodontic headgear. Dental implants are also sometimes used in conjunction with other procedures to restore function in the mouth or jaw after a period of jaw destruction caused by diseases or accidents.
In the past, all these solutions were viewed as radical and therefore were not widely accepted by the medical community until recently. With the advent of new technologies and a greater awareness of what are the best solutions for tooth loss, now people are opting for traditional dental solutions combined with advanced dental treatments. Advances in dental technologies allow for better teeth restoration methods and it also allows for more personalized dental solutions. As a result, people who are missing teeth are opting for dental implants to give them a chance to regain their ability to eat and chew food, talk and smile without any significant dental pain or discomfort. These are some of the dental implant treatment benefits offered to patients by several leading dental institutions and clinics.
One of the dental implants that can be used to regain function is the use of bone graft. It works by implanting a small amount of bone onto the root of a missing tooth. Because bone graft is almost permanent once implanted on the jawbone, it offers the best solution to tooth replacement for people who suffer from a large amount of missing teeth due to extensive tooth loss. Patients who go for this tooth replacement procedure benefit by getting all or part of their lost teeth replaced and they do not have to bother with tooth replacement procedures like dentures. This type of treatment is best for patients who have a minimal amount of missing teeth.
Another procedure that dentists offer is the placement of dental implants on the patient's jawbone. The dental implants are surgically implanted under local anesthesia on the patient's gum line. Once the implantation is complete, the dentist takes out the prosthetic replacement tooth and implants it on the jawbone. This prosthetic replacement is similar to the one found in dentures but it is considerably more durable than the dentures and it offers the same comfort and performance as other dentistry procedures.
To be a good candidate for dental implants, you need to meet several pre-requisites. It is best if you are in good physical condition since the procedure requires you to stay in a dental office for several hours following the surgery. If you have had a previous procedure, it might not be a good candidate since your jaw might need to heal from the trauma before the prosthetic tooth can be placed. Your dental implants Evanston specialist should go over the procedure with you so you know whether you are a good candidate or not.
Many people turn to dental implants because they want a permanent solution to their problems with missing teeth. Teeth replacement options such as dentures and bridges can take several years to work and they are not an option that many people prefer since they do not have the opportunity to replace lost teeth. Another reason why so many Americans are choosing dental implants these days is because they are more affordable than other options such as dentures. Dental implants cost significantly less than dentures and bridges so more patients are going for this alternative. However, it is important to note that even with dental implants, you will not lose any of your original teeth and this means that you can chew food properly without the fear of damaging your replacement teeth. You also have a greater chance of being able to communicate properly since you can speak normally and smile confidently without fear of tooth damage. Click here for more info about dental implants!
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